
Our classroom is as beautiful as a museum, as magical as a storybook, and emanates all the learning and light invited in - times a thousand!

Sunday 31 January 2016

Dear Parents,

I have successfully recovered my blog address!

My apologies for this technical issue.

From last week into this week
We had an initial exposure to Mme.’s secret stock of toy instruments. We made a round robin with songs from the first terms. This week students can use the instruments to jazz up their spoken word presentations. Repetition of familiar poems and songs helps develop the structure of the language. Try this at home :)

In class we can already see how the instrument takes the focus off the pressure of speaking so students can enjoy the fun of making music and song.

We had a rhyme jigsaw activity as a precursor to building songs as a group. 
So many students know really great rhyming words that we may make a list for fun at-home games of "what ryhmes with..?".

Mme. learned a wonderful new goodbye song at the Conservatory and translated it for our class.

Partons en paix
Partons en paix
Que l’amour des tes amis t’entour
Tout partout
Tout partout
Tu y va.

It’s lovely.
I hope your child will share it with you.
My class at the Conservatory always insists we sing the French version now J

Both grades have been working with 2 dimensional shapes in art. We begin our geometry and spatial reasoning unit with investigating shapes and positional language (under, over, beside, in front of…etc.)

Coming soon! Mme. is working on a carpet size game of Tetris for a fun whole-class experience!

 Have a great week everyone!

Mme. Hulsman