
Our classroom is as beautiful as a museum, as magical as a storybook, and emanates all the learning and light invited in - times a thousand!

Sunday 7 February 2016

Hello Room 307 Parents!

Just a reminder of our Swim outing tomorrow!

Bathing suits, towels and a snack for after swimming are all packed and ready to go!

Looking forward to a great week!

This week we are delving into positional language- And we have new song
Dans, dessus
Devant, derrière
Devant, derrière
Devant, derrière
Dans, dessus
Devant, derrière
Devant, derrière
Devant, derrière

À côté de!

Maybe your child can teach it to you before bed? :)

Kind regards,
Mme. Hulsman