
Our classroom is as beautiful as a museum, as magical as a storybook, and emanates all the learning and light invited in - times a thousand!

Monday 15 February 2016

Notes this week!

TUESDAY! Pizza day!
Bring $2 for pizza

This week you will notice the days have shifted due to the P.A. day/ Family Day.

Tuesday - Day 1 (PLC)
Wednesday - Day 2 (SWIMMING 8:45)
Thursday -  Day 3 (Library!)
Friday - Day 4 Phys. Ed!

This Tuesday the grade ones will visit the other grade one classes for Scientists in the Classroom!

We will work on new sounds in class with hard G and make up a new song!

We will continue work on exploring friends in the class and at school.

We will shift out focus on  Positional language to geometry- Triangles, circles and polygons- oh my!

Have a great week!
Mme. Hulsman